Monday, 22 June 2009

London to Brighton 2009

So I just randomly noticed that the British Heart Foundation's annual London to Brighton bicycle ride (not race) took place yesterday, apparantly.
27,000 bicycles covering a 54 mile route for chaah-ridy and it seems that the wacksters were out in force, as expected.

I forgot that this thing even happened and I suppose it is a bit of an event and a day-out for pissed-up, drugged-up day-trippers and families in UK's gay/ hedonism capital.
By the time the stragglers roll in after about 6 hours, there are a lot of people with rashed groins and sore butts around that beach... (here it comes)... and that is not even including the cyclists.

Well, it looks like the sun was shining on the day so I guess that it was a good laugh for those who took part, dressed-up in their splendid wacked-out attire or just went along to get plastered and laugh at others' misfortunes.
Apparantly, the Barnum-inspired Sir Wacky 'He's a Joker' McWackster (above left) raised over nine-pound-fifty all by himself- that is a penny for each time he honked his horn on the ride.
And it seems that, since its inception in 1980, the total raised is over 46 million nicker, too, which is almost as much as the West Pier rentboys. For chaaah-riddy, nonetheless.

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