Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Ups, Downs and Dead Rodents

Today I went for a bit of a ride out into the countryside and into some mountains. I think I got this bicycle mainly for this kind of reason.
I really like the hill climbs cos I get to feel the burn (cue lots of American-style whooping and high-fiving) and I imagine that passing drivers think that I look pretty damn cool stood-up on my pedals and wearing my shades.

I am still a bit of a woofter going downhill and ride the breaks too much but I am slowly getting more comfortable at it. I find that if I sing loudly, I can relax more. Today I sang the first part of a Pearl Jam song about 20 times over as I kept making mistakes with the lyrics, hitting wrong notes and mixing-up verses. Not cool.

On the other side of the mountains, Mount Fuji should be visible but today was a bit cloudy so it was not. I did see a squished rat on the road, though. Next time I go out that way I want to... Well I will write about that after I have done it.
Below is a couple of crappy pics I took on my phone.

1 comment:

  1. It wouldnt happen to have been "Alive"? I imagine hurtling down mountain roads to be a little on the dangerous side, and still being alive at the bottom is a pleasurable outcome :D
